Vehicle Registration
All vehicles on campus and in College-leased apartment areas, are required to be registered with Security within the first week of the semester of the current school calendar year. A permit decal, for current academic calendar year, will be issued and must be displayed on the vehicle at all times. There is no charge for the first permit; however, there is a $5.00 charge for each additional or replacement permit. Your personal information, vehicle year, make, model, color and the license plate number of the vehicle are needed to register a vehicle. Student vehicles are required to be registered on campus for Security to be able to open unlocked vehicles or jump start vehicles. Founder’s Court parking has limited spaces. All spaces in Founder’s Court are reserved for
Students, who reside in Founder’s Court. Visitors are asked to park on main campus and to either walk to Founder’s Court or have the student they are visiting pick them up on main campus. Student residing in Founder’s Court and who cannot find a parking space are asked to bring their car back to main campus to park and contact Security, 440-375-7575, for a ride back to Founder’s Court. If need be Security will provide rides back to the students vehicle when needed. The College is not responsible for lost or stolen items or damage to vehicles parked on campus. Vehicle owners are required to have adequate insurance as required by State Law. Campus Security recommends every student have an extra set of keys available in case keys are locked inside of the vehicle. Security may not be able to assist with unlocking the vehicle. Painesville police are not able to assist with vehicle lockouts. Students should refer to the Security tab of the Lake Erie College web page (, or the bulletin board located outside of the Security Office for information concerning Rules and Regulations for parking on campus.
Citations and Towing
Parking on the grass, in a fire lane, on the sidewalk, blocking a dumpster, parking in a reserved space or with unpaid parking tickets may result in a vehicle being towed from campus at the owner’s expense or having a boot applied making it impossible to operate the vehicle until the violation is addressed with Security and a boot fee is paid. This also includes the gravel or grass areas located along the residential drives. Lake Erie College parking rules also apply to College-leased apartment areas; known as Founder’s Court. Driveways in front of the residence halls are fire lanes and should not be treated as parking areas. “No Parking Fire Lane” signs have been posted at Founder’s Court. Painesville Police and Fire are issuing $50.00 tickets for the violation. These tickets are not issued by Lake Erie College and the college does not control fines and cost for the violations. Vehicles left in campus parking lots and College-leased apartment areas that are considered abandoned will be towed at the owner’s expense. Fines for City issued parking tickets must be paid at the Painesville Police Department or Painesville Municipal Court. Fines apply to Security issued parking tickets. Repeat violations, during the current academic calendar year, will result in an increased fine. Parking fines are $10.00 for the first violation, $25.00 for the second violation and $50.00 for the third and each subsequent parking violation. Fines are automatically billed to the student’s account and can be paid at the Accounting window in College Hall.