The enrollment of a student shall be construed as both evidence and a pledge that the student accepts the standards, regulations and policies of Lake Erie College and agrees to abide by them. Conduct that interferes with the efforts of others to secure an education, enjoy a recreational event or to reside or participate in an environment that is safe, clean, quiet and conducive to study is prohibited. Students are required to show due respect and courtesy to their peers, faculty and staff at all times. The College reserves the right to impose disciplinary sanctions up to and including expulsion upon any student who refuses to or cannot abide by the standards, regulations, and policies set forth by the College.
Responsible Behavior
The philosophy of responsible behavior at Lake Erie College encompasses the developing maturity of each student, not only academically and socially, but also in the acceptance of responsibility for personal actions. The guidelines include an expectation that student behavior, both individual and collective, will convey a respect for the College community as a whole. The College does not intend to dictate conformity of its students and promotes the belief that personal freedom and expression are necessary components to the development of ethical and moral values. However, the College has the responsibility and the authority to establish standards of behavior for the College community. Similarly, the College will not condone violations of local, state, or federal laws on or off campus.
As it is impossible to account for every type of behavior, the following list is not to be construed as all-inclusive. Each Lake Erie College student has appeal rights as prescribed in the policies and standards of the institution, except in cases where the possibility of eminent danger exists.
Minimum Sanctions
In order to promote consistency in the judicial process at Lake Erie College, this section specifies minimum sanctions for the individual code. A student may receive more than the minimum sanction depending on the nature of the incident and severity of the violation at any time. The Presidential Interim Suspension may be used as a minimum sanction for any of these violations if deemed necessary by the President of the College or his designee.
Prohibited Behaviors
Any student charged with an act that violates the standards, rules and regulations of Lake Erie College on or off campus, even if classes are not in session, is subject to the judicial process prescribed by the College. If the student is found in violation, disciplinary action will be implemented as deemed appropriate. Examples of prohibited behavior include, but are not limited to:
Code I: Discourtesy to Faculty or Staff
Rudeness, profanity and/or insulting behavior on the part of a student directed toward a faculty or staff member. This includes lying to or willfully misleading any faculty or staff that is conducting College business. In limited instances academic dishonesty cases may be referred to the student conduct process.
Minimum Sanction: Disciplinary warning
Code II: Disorderly Conduct
Any behavior, on or off campus, which affects the academic performance of the student or fellow students that offends the sensibilities of others, or causes property damage, injury to others or involves outside agencies such as the police. This includes, but not limited to throwing objects from/yelling out of/looking into windows, continued inappropriate noise making in a public area, moving College furniture out of designated areas, preventing others from studying or sleeping, or creating, in any way, a dangerous condition which may adversely affect the health and/or safety of community members (including oneself). This code is in place to cover policy violations that have not been labeled and may include any form of Bullying.
Minimum Sanction: Disciplinary/social probation; educational task.
Code III: Disruptive Noise
Any noise that disturbs the peace and tranquility of the residence hall or campus during established quiet hours; any excessive noise that disturbs the College community at any time during 24-hour Courtesy Hours.
Minimum Sanction: Disciplinary warning.
Code IV: Failure to Respond
Ignoring a staff member’s reasonable request (emails, phone messages, etc) is cause for College action. Withholding information in a student conduct hearing is considered a failure to comply. Minimum Sanction: Disciplinary warning Code: Failure to Complete Required Sanctions Failure to complete any/all sanctions will result in an automatic, non-negotiable fine and/or additional conditions or requirements. Fines for failure to complete a sanction will start at $50 and could be greater based on an individual case.
Code V: Fire Safety
Any violation of fire safety regulations including, but not limited to:
- tampering with fire equipment;
- making a false alarm;
- interfering with the duties of fire officials;
- failure to evacuate a building;
- setting any unauthorized fire in or on College property
- burning candles/incense in College owned/leased building
- blocking internal or external fire escape routes
Violation |
Minimum Sanction |
Tampering with Fire Equipment |
Removal from College housing; |
$200 fine |
Disciplinary/social probation; $50 fine |
Permanent removal from College |
housing; recommendation for |
suspension; $500 fine; restitution |
First offense-candles/Incense |
Disciplinary warning; $25 fine |
Code VI: Fraternization
Romantic, sexual and exploitative relationships between employees and students including but not limited to: dating, pursuing to date, and pursuing or having romantic or sexual relationships with employees.
Minimum Sanction: Educational task; restricted contact
Code VII: Gambling
The playing of cards or any other game of chance or skill for money or other items of value.
Minimum Sanction: Disciplinary/social probation; educational task; $50 fine
Code VII: Illegal Entry/Trespassing
Unauthorized entry includes, but is not limited to, the use of keys not assigned to the entrant. Unauthorized entry into or presence in any College building, office, room or student room.
Minimum Sanction: Disciplinary warning; educational task; denial of access; restitution
Code IX: Student Identification
Failure to submit identification to a duly authorized and properly identified College official. Interfering with or giving a false name to or not cooperating with any properly identified College or Emergency personnel (Police, Fire, EMT etc) in the performance of their official duties. Lending, selling, or otherwise transferring a student identification card or any other form of legal identification. Use of a student identification card or any other form of identification by anyone other than its original holder.
Minimum Sanction: Disciplinary warning; educational task.
College Property
Code X: College Keys
Possession, use, or duplication of College keys without the consent of those staff members responsible.
Minimum Sanction: Disciplinary warning; restitution
Code XI: College Computers
Any act that violates the rules and regulations established by Information Technology (IT) or misuse of any College computer.
Minimum Sanction: Disciplinary warning; educational task
Code XII: College Facilities, Property or Equipment
Any use of or act that violates the use of College facilities, property, and/or equipment without proper consent of those responsible.
Minimum Sanction: Disciplinary warning; educational task; restitution (if necessary)
Code XIII: College Telephones
Use of the College telephones, including main lines without the consent of those staff members responsible.
Minimum Sanction: Disciplinary warning; educational task
Code IX: Falsification of Records/Contracts
Altering, counterfeiting, forging, or causing to be altered, falsified, counterfeited or forged any record, form, or document used by the College. Violation of contractual agreements between a student and the College, including discipline under this code; intentionally falsifying or omitting information on any College record, form or document, including but not limited to, application for admission and application for financial aid.
Minimum Sanction: Disciplinary/social probation; educational task
Code XV: Parking, Traffic and Vehicle Regulations
To park on Campus or in Campus controlled lots, all vehicles must be registered with Security and are to display a current parking permit properly displayed on the registered vehicle. Parking in Fire Lanes, in front of Garbage Receptacles, in marked “No Parking” zones, on the grass, parking in Handicap (without proper permit) spaces, parking in Reserved/Guest/Visitor spaces and parking in non-student lots are some of the more common parking violations. Lake Erie College Staff, Faculty and Students should consult the Parking Brochure located on the Security page pf the College website ( for more information concerning parking on Campus or Campus controlled properties. Minimum Sanction: Parking fines are $10.00 for the first violation, $25.00 for the second violation and $50.00 for the third and each subsequent parking violation. Vehicles may also be towed and/or booted at the owner’s expense.
Damages & Personal Property
Code XVI: Damage to Property/Vandalism
Malicious or unauthorized intentional damage to property belonging to the College, or to a member of or a visitor to the College community. This includes, but is not limited to, the unauthorized removal of or tampering with system and/or program files in any College-owned computer, pulling the locked exterior doors open without an ID, which damages the opening mechanism and automatically results in a fine of at least $50. Students will be held responsible for unintentional damages due to negligence (broken keys, IDs, etc).
Minimum Sanction: Disciplinary/social probation; restitution (min. $25); educational task; restriction of privileges; denial of Access
Code XVII: Receipt of Stolen Goods
Obtaining property one knows or has reason to believe is stolen.
Minimum Sanction: Disciplinary/social probation; educational task; $50 fine
Code XVIII: Sale/Exchange of Stolen Property
Sell, transfer, or receive any material believed to be stolen.
Minimum Sanction: Disciplinary/social probation; educational task; $50 fine
Code XIX: Theft
The unlawful taking of College property or property belonging to another person.
Minimum Sanction: Disciplinary/social probation; educational task; reimburse victim(s); $100 fine
Drug, Alcohol, Narcotics
Code XX: Alcoholic Beverages
Any act that violates College, local, and/or state policy on the consumption, possession and/or advertising of alcoholic beverages. Intoxication is not permitted in College buildings or on College grounds.
- Underage possession and/or use of (including “decorative” containers)
- Illegal alcohol beverage container including, but not limited to, kegs, beer bongs, and other common source containers ($100 fine per container will be charged in addition to other fines/disciplinary action)
- Drinking games - any game such as beer bong, caps, or case race that is set up and/or played, and has alcohol as a central component
- Supplying underage individuals with alcohol
- Consumption and/or possession in a pubic area including hallways, lobbies, and porches
First Offense |
Disciplinary/social probation, $100 fine (keg-$250) |
Second Offense |
Disciplinary/social probation, educational task, alcohol assessment, $200 fine |
Third Offense |
Community Service, $300 fine |
Fourth Offense |
Judicial Board hearing with the strong possibility of removal from housing or academic suspension for a minimum of one semester, $500 fine |
Code XXI: Drugs
Possession/Use/Intent to Sell (without valid medical or dental prescription), manufacture, furnishing or sale of any narcotic, dangerous or illegal drug, paraphernalia, or any other violation of College policy regarding drugs. Students will face judicial charges if they are found abusing prescription and over-the-counter drugs as well. *When a staff member perceives that a student is buying/selling/using any illegal drugs, the Painesville Police Department will be called to campus.
Suspicion of Marijuana |
Defined as smell or evidence of use; $50 fine; drug assessment; educational task |
This includes smells permeating through residence halls and apartment community areas. Community areas are subjected to community fines of $25.00 per person if the smell persists after a warning is provided |
First Offense Marijuana |
Educational task, drug assessment; $150 fine |
Second Offense Marijuana |
Recommendation for permanent removal from College housing; $250 fine |
Other Drugs |
Recommendation for suspension; $300 fine |
Selling/distribution of drugs |
Recommendation for suspension or expulsion |
*When a staff member perceives that a student is buying/selling/using any illegal drugs, the Painesville Police Department will be called to campus. Students on a NCAA roster may be drug tested if there is reasonable suspicion. Please contact the department of athletics for the specific policy.
Code XXII: Fireworks
Possession or use of any explosive device, including, but not limited to firecrackers, cherry bombs, bottle rockets, and dynamite.
Possession |
Disciplinary/social probation; educational task; $50 fine |
Use |
Disciplinary/social Probation; educational task; $75 fine |
Code XXIII: Weapons
Possession of weapons, firearms or explosives of any kind on College property or at events sponsored or supervised by the College or recognized College organizations are prohibited. This includes, but not limited to, airsoft guns, knives, firearms and explosive devices (firecrackers, cherry bombs, bottle rockets), dynamite, B-B guns or pistols, paintball guns, flare guns, air pistols, stun guns, martial arts weapons, ammunition/bullets, etc. Nerf guns are permitted as long as they do not become disruptive.
Airsoft Guns |
Immediate confiscation of gun(s); damage fine |
Knives or objects |
Removal from College housing; $500 fine |
Intent to harm others |
Removal from College housing, recommendation for suspension/expulsion |
Code XXIV: Assault
Inappropriate or disrespectful conduct or communication directed toward faculty, staff, student within the Lake Erie College community in any form resulting in verbal or physical abuse including but not limited to that which is of a sexual, racial or ethnic nature. Behavior known as “cyberbullying” and leads toward a defamation of one’s character through social media outlets, including but not limited to Facebook, Twitter, email, text, etc.
Minimum Sanction: Removal from College housing; restitution; social probation; restricted access;
Code XXV: Harassment
Unwelcome/inappropriate or disrespectful conduct or communication (online messages- SnapChat, Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, etc) in any form that interferes substantially with a person’s work or education, and/or creates an environment that a reasonable person would find hostile, threatening, or intimidating, including, but not limited to, that which is of a sexual, racial or ethnic nature.
Minimum Sanction: Disciplinary/social probation; educational task; restriction of privileges
Code XXVI: Hazing
Any activity that is expected of someone to join or continue to be a member of a team/club/student organization that humiliates, degrades, abuses, or endangers them, or that violates the dignity of another person, regardless of intention or willingness to participate. Hazing activities may include but not limited to forced consumption of any alcohol, food, drugs or any other substance, forced physical activity, deprivation of food or sleep, kidnapping, paddling, branding, or shaving, wearing or apparel that is conspicuous and not normally in good taste, singing on command in public places, and other activities that are not consistent with the policies outlined in the Lake Erie College Student Handbook. Groups that have allegedly hazed may go through the student conduct process for student organizations through the Office of Student Life.
Minimum Sanction: Disciplinary/social probation; educational task; restriction of privileges; $300 fine
Sexual Misconduct
Code XXVII: Stalking Repetitive, menacing pursuit, harassment and/or interference with the peace and/or safety of a member of the College community. Stalking may take many forms, including, but not limited to, persistent calling, texting, direct messaging, posting on a social networking site, monitoring behavior, taking pictures or physical stalking.
Minimum Sanction: Disciplinary/social probation; educational task; restriction of privileges; restricted contact
Code XXVIII: Sexual Harassment
Sexual Harassment is unwelcome, sex or gender‐based verbal or physical conduct that is sufficiently severe, persistent and/or pervasive. When these behaviors have the effect of unreasonably interfering with, denying or limiting someone’s ability to participate in or benefit from the College’s educational programs and/or activities, or fulfill their work responsibilities, it is in violation of this policy. Sexual harassment can be based on power differentials (quid pro quo), the creation of a hostile environment, or retaliation. Specific examples of sexual and sex-based harassment may include: requests for sexual favors; unwanted physical contact (touching, pinching or brushing the body); verbal harassment (sexual innuendos, suggestive comments, jokes of a sexual nature, sexual propositions, threats); non-verbal conduct, such as a display of sexually suggestive objects or pictures, leering, whistling, or obscene gestures; acts of physical aggression, intimidation, hostility, threats or unequal treatment based on sex (even if not sexual in a nature).
Minimum Sanction: Disciplinary/social probation; educational task; restricted contact; removal of title (stripped of duties)
Code XXIX: Non-Consensual Sexual Contact
Any intentional sexual touching, however slight, with any object, by a person upon a person that is without consent and/or by force. Examples include, but are not limited to: Intentional contact with the breasts, buttock, groin, genitals, mouth or other orifice, or touching another with any of these body parts, or making another touch you or themselves with or on any of these body parts; any intentional bodily contact in a sexual manner, though not involving contact with/of/by breasts, buttocks, groin, genitals, mouth or other orifice.
Minimum Sanction: Disciplinary/social probation; educational task; restricted contact
Code XXX: Non-Consensual Sexual Intercourse
Any sexual penetration however slight, with any object, by a person upon a person that is without consent and/or by force. Examples include, but are not limited to: Vaginal penetration by a penis, object, tongue or finger, anal penetration by a penis, object, tongue, or finger, and oral copulation (mouth to genital contact or genital to mouth contact), no matter how slight the penetration or contact.
Minimum Sanction: Disciplinary/social probation; educational task; restricted contact
Code XXXI: Sexual Exploitation
Occurs when an individual takes non‐consensual or abusive sexual advantage of another for his/her own advantage or benefit, or to benefit or advantage anyone other than the one being exploited, and that behavior does not otherwise constitute one of other sexual misconduct offenses. Examples of sexual exploitation include, but are not limited to: Invasion of sexual privacy; prostituting another individual; non‐consensual video or audio‐taping of sexual activity; going beyond the boundaries of consent (such as allowing others to hide in proximity to witness sexual activity); engaging in voyeurism; knowingly exposing another unaware individual an STD or HIV; exposing one’s genitals in non‐consensual circumstances; inducing another to expose their genitals.
Minimum Sanction: Disciplinary/social probation; educational task; restricted contact
Code XXXII: Intimate Partner Violence
Intimate Partner Violence, also known as Dating Violence is defined as violence committed by a person who is or has been in a social relationship of romantic or intimate nature and where the existence of such a relationship shall be determined based on the length of the relationship; the type of relationship; and the frequency of interaction between the persons involved in the relationship. The abuse can take a variety of forms such as isolation, displaying a self-destructive behavior, physical, sexual, psychological or emotional and economic abuse.
Minimum Sanction: Disciplinary/social probation; educational task; restricted contact
Code XXXIII: Quid Pro Quo
Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature by a person having power or authority over another when submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of employment, educational benefits, academic grades or opportunities, living environment or participation in a College activity.
Minimum Sanction: Disciplinary/social probation; educational task; restricted contact