Lake Erie College expects students to actively engage in all of their courses, which includes regular attendance, appropriate and timely communication with course instructors, and completion of all assigned learning activities. In order to facilitate and maintain an environment that is conducive to all students’ learning, the following guidelines are to be observed. These guidelines constitute a learning contract between each student and their instructor, therefore failure to adhere to them may result in academic or judicial sanctions.
1. Attendance
Students will attend classes regularly as reflected on individual schedules. Any missed classes must be communicated with individual faculty members of the missed course, no matter the reason (excused or unexcused). Please see the “missed class policy” under Academic Honest and Classroom Expectations of the Student Handbook.
2. Punctuality
Students will arrive on time for each class, taking personal responsibility to allow enough time to settle in before class begins. Students will not leave the classroom early unless pre-approved by the course instructor. Failure to comply will be deemed “discourtesy to faculty and staff” for disruption of class and may result in judicial sanctioning.I
3. Attention
Students will be prepared for and attentive during each class period. All assignments should be completed in advance, and students are expected to actively participate in classroom learning. The following are not permitted during the designated course time:
- Earbuds/headphones are not to be used or worn.
- Cell phones must be placed in silent mode and put away.
- Computers, laptops and tablets may be used at the discretion of the course instructor, but should only be used to record notes or engage in ways that are relevant to the specific course lecture.
- Side conversations will not take place unless instructed to do so by the course instructor.
4. Interactions with Faculty
Students are highly encouraged to engage in conversation with course instructors regarding assignments, lectures and academic goals. Students should utilize designated office hours located on the syllabus, email their instructors in advance to schedule appointments, or use time before or after the class to speak with their instructors individually. Students should not use class time to discuss individual issues or questions with course instructors unless directed to do so.
5. Outside Resources
Students are highly encouraged to utilize resources on campus to assist with their overall academic success.
- Academic Learning Center - For students interested in learning course material more effectively though individual and small group tutoring sessions.
- Writing Center - For students seeking assistance with constructing effective essays, proper citation methods, and other communication-based assignments.
- Office of Accommodation Support and Counseling Services - For students seeking accommodations for a specific course due to a documented disability or a diagnosed medical condition.