Mar 15, 2025  
2024-2025 Catalog 
2024-2025 Catalog

Undergraduate Special Academic Opportunities

Experiential Learning

All Lake Erie College students have the opportunity to apply their learning and earn academic credit through experiential learning. These experiences help gain the necessary real world experience to inform career paths and develop relationships that connect to employment after graduation. Reach out to the Office of Career Development and Experiential Learning and your Faculty Advisor to discuss how experiential learning can fit into your academic plan.

When applying for experiential learning for academic credit, the following is needed: an internship description from the provider, a syllabus from the faculty advisor, and a resume from the student. Check with your advisor to see if an internship is required in your major. 50 hours of internship earns one academic credit. The experiential learning application can be picked up at the Career Development and Experiential Learning office or downloaded from their website:

Study Abroad

Academic Programs Abroad

In 1953, Lake Erie became the first college in the United States to institute a mandatory full term of courses to be taken abroad as a requirement for graduation. While this is no longer a requirement for our students, it is a legacy of which we are proud and an experience we still encourage all our students to undertake. Fast forward from the 1950s into the new century: our world is becoming increasingly interconnected, with more and more of the most exciting and well-paying jobs requiring cultural awareness, fluency in foreign languages, and the ability to thrive in another culture. Responding to the quickly evolving demands of work skills needed in the modern world, Lake Erie College offers innovative programs designed to introduce students into the global marketplace and, for those who choose such a career path, provide continued opportunities for preparation and growth. Today, you can “go global” in practically any field. What is your passion? Lake Erie College stands ready to support a semester-long experience or short-term study abroad relevant to your academic field to help you on your way towards meeting fascinating new people who share your passion, and to further your educational and professional goals.

Semester Programs

Spending a semester abroad is an intercultural experience that integrates cross-cultural enrichment with academic learning and unique study opportunities not often available in the United States. It is, therefore, very much a part of today’s total liberal arts education. The Academic Program Abroad (APA) may be used to satisfy one of the CORE requirements (global perspectives goal), in conjunction with the IS 300/301 course series. The APA is usually taken during the second half of the sophomore or first half of the junior year, but may be taken at any time from the start of the sophomore year on. The student selects a study center appropriate to individual interest and needs with input from the Office of Career Development and Experiential Learning and Study Abroad. Often, the choice will depend upon courses available at the host school and/or available facility in a second language; however, interest in a particular internship program, a living experience or a special area of study may also influence the choice of destination. The program includes a semester of preparation for living in another culture prior to departure. While abroad, students work in various subject areas with native faculty, explore aspects of the culture through independent studies or an internship and keep a journal reflecting thoughts and experiences. Academic credit earned for the experience is evaluated before departure, and may count toward major, minor, or specific course requirements with approval of the Dean of the relevant area, or as elective credit.

Experiences abroad are not necessarily more expensive than a semester on campus. Situations vary depending on the individual, but in most cases students pay tuition through Lake Erie College and are registered as a Lake Erie College student while abroad. Financial aid usually applies to the experience. In order to guarantee consideration for financial aid, students must notify the Office of Career Development and Experiential Learning and Study Abroad of their intent (or interest) to go abroad no later than March 1 of the preceding year. All students planning to go abroad are encouraged to register for IS 300: Intercultural Relationships I as part of their preparation for travel.

Students planning on studying in a country having a primary language other than English are STRONGLY encouraged to have at least 3 semesters of experience in the target language, or otherwise demonstrate similar fluency. Students wishing to go abroad are required to have a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.75, or a requisite grade point average of the foreign institution, whichever is higher. Additionally, all students must be in good financial standing with Lake Erie College, and receive clearance from the Executive Director for Student Life certifying that they have no ongoing known behavioral or emotional concerns that might impact the experience abroad.

Short Term Programs

Lake Erie College offers short term study abroad programs of 8 days to approximately 4 weeks in length. These programs are taught and led by Lake Erie College faculty to various destinations, and are taken either during spring break or during the summer session immediately after spring graduation. These programs may consist of a semester of instruction on campus before or after the trip, intense accelerated classes while abroad, or a combination of both. These courses are offered to all full time undergraduate students who meet the minimum requirements of a 2.5 cumulative GPA, are in good standing with the school, and who complete a study tour application for committee review and approval, or at the discretion of the faculty leading the study trip exceptions include alumni and students with a GPA below 2.5. Credit for these trips usually ranges from 4-8 hours depending on the trip. For programs designated as Study Tours, students applying to go on these trips may also apply for a one-time subsidy to help pay for the cost of the trip. The amount of this subsidy varies depending on the cost of the trip and the number of enrollments in a given year. While students may participate in more than one trip, they may only receive one subsidy. This subsidy is not available to all participants, and is competitive. Not every short- term program qualifies as a study tour; those that do not and are discipline-specific are normally offered as a ‘full-pay’ trip, where the student must cover the entire cost of travel out of pocket. Students will be advised whether the trip they are interested in is a study tour or discipline-specific full-pay option by the Office of Career Development and Experiential Learning and Study Abroad, Registrar’s Office, or by the faculty member(s) leading the trip.

Although students are encouraged to take these trips as early as possible, graduating seniors who wish to participate in a trip taking place in the semester immediately following their graduation may do so IF the trip departs within 20 days of graduation and if they have successfully submitted an application and are otherwise eligible with regards to GPA and residency requirements. They may also apply for the subsidy, when applicable, assuming it has not been used previously. Credit earned in such cases will apply to the normal course of study if the class associated with the trip is taught before departure, or will be post-baccalaureate in nature (and will not count towards a degree) if the class is offered completely or mainly in the summer.

Students must fulfill the appropriate on-campus course and/or meeting requirements in order to participate in the trip portion of the course, or must meet the required class schedule while overseas as the case may be, in order to earn credit for this trip. The trip portion of the experience itself is also academic in nature, and must be satisfactorily completed in order to earn a passing grade in the course(s). Students will be held to the standards of student codes of conduct while abroad. Anyone violating these codes will result in the student being sent home at their own cost. Students must also be in reasonably good health. Travel for any student with a pre-existing health condition must be approved by the student’s physician, and all participants are required to pass a physical.

Many short term programs also fulfill the Core Requirement Global Perspectives Goal - but not all. Students wishing to use a study tour for this requirement should verify that it satisfies the criteria before enrolling. For more study abroad information:

Academic Learning Center (ALC)

Academic Learning Center:

The Lake Erie College Academic Learning Center, located in the Lincoln Library, serves as a focal point within the College community for the creation and promotion of an enriched learning environment where all students have the opportunity to fulfill their academic potential. The Academic Learning Center provides students with a range of services to enhance specific academic skills, and thereby increase their prospects for academic success. The Center is divided into three primary areas: the Writing Center, Math Lab and Tutorial Services.

Writing Center

The mission of the Lake Erie College Writing Center is to assist students in becoming stronger, more confident writers. The Writing Center is open to any student who wants to enrich his/her writing or develop presentations for class. The Writing Center is not limited by discipline - students from all classes and majors are welcome.

Writing Assistants provide help in all areas of the composition process. Whether students need aid in understanding the text, generating ideas, writing a paper draft, editing their work, or working on sentence level grammar and structure concerns, the Writing Center is there. In addition to written communication, Writing Assistants provide support in developing class presentations. Writing Assistants will not do the work for the student, but supply a space where students can think through their ideas and talk with a trained peer about goals and plans for the assignment. Each Writing Assistant must first complete a semester-long course in Composition and Writing Center Theory as part of their initial training.

Math Lab

The Math Lab is available on a walk-in basis for students to be able to get help with any mathematics courses in which they may be enrolled. Some math courses require students to attend the Lab on a weekly basis during which time they are encouraged to work in small groups on classroom assignments, review for upcoming exams, or ask questions about concepts with which they may be having difficulty. The purpose of these directed Math Lab sessions is to provide students with additional hands-on learning opportunities to effectively supplement the material covered in the classroom. Oversight of the Math Lab is maintained by the Math Lab Director and the Coordinator of the Academic Learning Center, both of whom are available, along with a number of peer tutors, to assist students during the hours of operation.

Tutorial Services

Help is also available in other popular areas through Tutorial Services. Tutoring is regularly offered in first-year courses in Accounting, Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics, and Psychology. Foreign language tutoring is coordinated through the Foreign Language Department. Students should consult the Academic Learning Center’s online calendar for times and subject areas.

Students may request assistance in any subject area not already covered by the Writing Center, Math Lab, or Tutorial Services. Requests may be made by email at or by contacting any member of the Academic Learning Center staff. Every effort will be made to secure a tutor in a given area if none are already on staff.

To ensure a high level of competency, all peer tutors have secured the recommendation of a full-time faculty member and have demonstrated a high level of proficiency in advanced coursework. All tutoring services are free to Lake Erie College students and are offered throughout the week at convenient times in the morning, afternoon, and evening. The hours of operation for all ALC services are posted on LEO, on posters and flyers across campus, and through regular email and Twitter updates.

Special Academic Opportunities

Independent Study/Individual Investigation

An Independent Study is a course offered regularly in the curriculum but which is necessary for the students to take on an individual basis.

An Individual Investigation is a focused-research or advanced performance project, not offered in the current undergraduate catalog. An individual investigation course provides a student with the opportunity to explore a special topic of interest with a faculty member knowledgeable in the subject matter. Unlike a regular course taught in the classroom, an Individual Investigation involves a relatively unstructured format defined by the student and the instructor. Since the individual investigation is a method and not a subject, it is expected that a student will be registered for the actual subject of the study, described in a way that can be entered on the transcript under the number 160, 260, 360 or 460 which indicates the elementary, intermediate or advanced level of the work to be performed.

Students will be limited to one Independent Study/Individual Investigation per academic year. An additional course fee may be assessed for Independent Studies. To be eligible for independent coursework, the student must:

  • Have attained junior or senior status
  • Have a cumulative GPA of 3.0
  • Have a 3.0 in the major, minor or concentration, if the course will satisfy a requirement
  • Complete an Independent Study Individual Investigation Form

Credit for Dual Enrollment Option Coursework

Students who have completed college coursework through a dual enrollment program while in high school must provide official transcripts from the college or university to receive credit at Lake Erie College. Transfer course policies as stated in the Criteria for Acceptance of Transfer Credit section of this catalog apply.

Online Learning

Lake Erie College has a long tradition of delivering quality educational experiences. Now those experiences will reach far beyond the physical campus. In addition to already existing online courses, Lake Erie College is further incorporating online learning throughout its curriculum and educational programs. Online learning uses technology to enhance, support and maximize a student’s education and fosters Lake Erie College student’s integration of coursework and technology. Students of Lake Erie College who engage in online learning are preparing themselves for future professional opportunities by upgrading their experience and use of various technologies that employers seek for their organizations.

Power-Up Scholarship Program

The Power-Up Scholarship Program provides opportunities for motivated students to accelerate their growth personally, professionally, and academically in line with the College’s Pathway to Empowerment (P2E) initiative. Each year, students that complete the Power-Up checkpoints by attending designated campus events and other empowering activities are able to earn between $1,000 and $2,000 scholarship for the subsequent academic year. To be eligible, students must apply and be accepted into Power-Up by the posted deadline each fall. Students must complete an application, including an essay on one of the four phases of the Pathway to Empowerment (P2E). Additional details may be found on the Lake Erie College website under “P2E” or by contacting the Coordinator for Co-Curricular and Academic Engagement. Additional details may be found on the Lake Erie College website at and questions may be directed by email to

Towers Honors Program

The Lake Erie College Tower Honors Program is an interdisciplinary core of courses designed to challenge and stimulate high achieving students. Students applying from high school need to have a grade point average of 3.5 or to graduate in the top 10% of their class. Scholarship opportunities are available, including the Lydia Sessions Scholarship and the Anna M. Edwards Scholarship.


5 semester hours of required Honors coursework, consisting of:

  • HON 125  H, Critical Thinking as a Habit of Mind (3 SH), Fall and Spring 
  • HON 201  H, “Vistas” Integrative Thinking Seminar  (1 SH), Fall and Spring
  • HON 202   “Ventures” Experiential Learning Seminar (1 SH) Spring

And 12 semester hours of elective Honors coursework, selected from the following:

  • HON 230   H, Honors Special Topics (3-4 SH)
    At least one Honors Special Topics elective will be offered each semester Repeatable if different topic
  • SC 125  H, Science and Society (3-4 SH), Spring
    Repeatable if different topic
  • HON 105  HON 205  HON 305  HON 405  Individual Honors Work (1 SH)

And Senior Capstone (2-4 SH) & Presentation at Scholars’ Summit

  • Tower Honors students should register for HON 490  : Honors Senior Research Project if: their major does not require a Senior Capstone course; their Honors project goes beyond the scope of what is required for their Senior Capstone; or the content of their work is in an area outside their major and will therefore be overseen by a faculty member in that area. 
  • This is a requirement for all seniors graduating from the Honors program; topic and scope determined in conjunction with the chosen faculty advisor. Students in the Honors Program are required to make a presentation of their research projects to the campus community at the annual Lake Erie College Scholars’ Summit.

Suggested Program Trajectory

Honors Courses: 20 Total Hours

Basecamp, Visas, Ventures, Summit, and Exploration: 

“BASE CAMP” Develop the appropriate tools in Critical Thinking (3 SH)
1st Year Fall: HON 125  H (3 SH)
1st Year Fall or Spring Intellectual Exploration: Honors Elective Course (3 SH)

“VISTAS” Take in the views with Integrative Thinking (1 SH)
2nd Year Fall or Spring: HON 201  H (1 SH)
2nd Year Fall or Spring Intellectual Exploration: Honors Elective Course (3 SH)

“VENTURES” Beginning the Ascent as you design your project (1 SH)
3rd Year Spring: HON 202  H (1 SH)
3rd Year Fall or Spring Exploration: Intellectual Honors Elective Course (3 SH)

“SUMMIT” Not the end, but the beginning of a new adventure with Capstone Project and presentation (3 SH)
4th Year Fall Intellectual Exploration: Honors Elective Course (3 SH)

4th Year Spring: Senior Capstone & Summit Presentation (2-4 SH)

Substitutions: In certain circumstances (e.g., CCP, transfer, lateral admits), additional Honors special topics courses may be substituted for one or more of the required Honors courses, as approved by the Honors Director. A documented experiential/service learning project, study abroad experience, or internship may be substituted for the Ventures Seminar, as approved by the Honors Director. 

Benefits: In addition to the honors designation on the diploma and transcript, other benefits include scholarship opportunities, including the Lydia Sessions and Anna M Edwards Scholarships; priority registration for every term after the first semester; priority housing selection; designated Tower Honors space in Mathews House; special research and social opportunities with faculty; special internship opportunities and special academic travel options. 

4+1 Program

Lake Erie College students who have completed at least 90 undergraduate semester credits with a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.00 may register for up to 12 semester credits of courses in the Lake Erie College Master of Business Administration or Master of Education program. These courses may be counted as elective credits towards bachelor’s degree completion. Upon admission to the Lake Erie College MBA or MEd program, up to 12 semester credits of such course work in which the student has earned a grade of “B” or better will be applied towards the 33 semester credits requirement for the degree.

Participation requires an application and approval by the Dean and is approved on a semester by semester basis. Students who fail to achieve appropriate grades may be denied continuing in the program. Grades earned in the program will calculate in the undergraduate term and cumulative grade point averages the same as undergraduate grades and will be used in determining academic standing, Dean’s List and Latin Honors. Tuition for participating in the program is billed at the undergraduate tuition rate according to the published Tuition and Fees Schedule.

Students wishing to continue as degree-seeking in the Master of Business Administration or Master of Education programs at Lake Erie College are required to follow the regular admission process. Once accepted, the coursework completed and applied to the undergraduate degree will be transcripted as waivers with credit hours at the graduate level and will not be included in the graduate grade point average calculation.


Dean’s List

The Dean’s List is compiled at the end of the fall and spring semesters. To be eligible, an undergraduate student must be degree-seeking and have completed at least nine hours of credit at Lake Erie College during the semester, must have no incomplete grades and must have a term grade point average of 3.50 or higher. Pass/fail courses are not included in the requisite nine semester credits nor do they affect the grade point average.

Articulation Agreements

Preferred Interview Status - Northeast Ohio Medical University

Lake Erie College and the Northeastern Ohio Medical Universities have a Memorandum of Understanding whereby Lake Erie College students qualify automatically for an interview for admission to the College of Pharmacy, provided the student has completed at least 30 SH of instruction at Lake Erie College; has maintained a 3.50 GPA; and has scored in the 75 percentile or higher on the Pharmacy College Admission Test (PCAT). In recent years, NEOMED has offered personal interviews to only about one-half of all applicants. Students interested in this Preferred Interview Status are encouraged to contact the Office of Academic Affairs as early as possible during their undergraduate career.

Early Admission Agreement between Lake Erie College and Duquesne University Law School

Lake Erie College (LEC) and Duquesne University Law School (DULS) have established a 3+3 Program in which a student completes three full years of study at LEC, followed by three years at DULS, culminating in a baccalaureate degree from LEC after the fourth full year of study and the J.D. degree from DULS after the sixth full year of postsecondary study. DULS will accept for regular admission all candidates from LEC who meet the following eligibility requirements:

  • cumulative GPA of 3.50 or above for three years (90 SH)
  • completion of one undergraduate major program of study and all CORE requirements
  • minimum LSAT score in the 60th percentile, taken by the end of the fall term of junior year
  • recommendation by a jointly administered Selection Committee
  • completion of DULS Office of Admissions protocols and application

Please direct any questions concerning the Law School Early Admission Agreement to the contact the Dean of the School of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences.

Lake Erie College Partnership with Rochester Institute of Technology for Accelerated MBA Program

Lake Erie College and the Rochester Institute of Technology E. Phillip Saunders College of Business have established an agreement which allows qualified students, who have earned a bachelor’s degree at Lake Erie, to accelerate their progress through the RIT College of Business MBA program.

Through the agreement, Lake Erie College graduates who are accepted to the RIT MBA program will have the opportunity to waive select MBA courses given that a student earns a “B” or better grade in the required undergraduate courses. A maximum of four MBA foundation courses may be waived for a period of up to five years from the time the undergraduate course was completed. This agreement offers Lake Erie College graduates an opportunity to complete the RIT MBA program in as few as five academic quarters.

Lake Erie College students must demonstrate an overall strong potential for success in graduate business study based on their GMAT scores and undergraduate academic performance before being admitted to the E. Phillip Saunders College of Business.

Founded in 1829, RIT is an internationally recognized leader in professional and career-oriented education and enrolls more than 15,000 students in eight colleges.

Lake Erie College Partnership with Mount Carmel College of Nursing for combined degree program

Lake Erie College and Mount Carmel College of Nursing have established an agreement that will enable students to receive a Bachelor of Science degree in biology from Lake Erie College after three and a half years of undergraduate work and a Bachelor of Science in nursing from Mount Carmel in three additional semesters through its Second Degree Accelerated Program. The degree path at Lake Erie will incorporate a highly focused program which allows students to take all prerequisites needed before entering the intense 13-month Second Degree Accelerated Program.

The agreement between Lake Erie and Mount Carmel offers 15 slots in Mount Carmel’s accelerated program to qualified Lake Erie College students. As an added benefit, the combined degree program also offers students the ability to immediately enroll in graduate- level courses at Mount Carmel with provisional admission to the master’s program, which offers a Master of Science degree with tracks in nursing administration, adult heath and nursing education.

To advance to Mount Carmel, Lake Erie College students must maintain a minimum 3.0 grade point average and complete an interview. For more information, contact the Lake Erie College Office of Admission at 800.916.0994 or visit

Lake Erie College Partnership with Auburn Career Center and Thomas W. Harvey High School

Lake Erie College has established an agreement with Auburn Career Center in Concord Township, Ohio and Thomas W. Harvey High School in Painesville, Ohio that enables students completing the Auburn Career Center Business Program or the Harvey High School Marketing Entrepreneurship/ECITY program to receive academic credit at Lake Erie College for ET 201 Fundamentals of the Enterprise (4 SH) upon enrollment at Lake Erie College as a degree-seeking student. Contact the Registrar’s Office for additional details.

Lake Erie College Partnership with Findlay College of Pharmacy for 3+4 degree program

Lake Erie College and the Findlay College of Pharmacy (FCP) have established a 3+4 program in which a student completes three full years of study (including summer terms) at LEC followed by four years of study at FCP. Successful completion of the 3+4 program will culminate in a B.S. in chemistry from LEC and a Pharm.D. from FCP. FCP reserves seven (7) seats per year for LEC students who meet the following criteria:

  • Students must enter LEC as freshmen enrolled in the chemistry program on an accelerated track.
  • Successful completion of a B.S. in chemistry via the accelerated three year program.
  • Fulfillment of all admissions requirements as defined by FCP Doctor of Pharmacy program (didactic and non-didactic).

Contact the Dean of the School of Natural Sciences and Mathematics at Lake Erie College for further information.

Lake Erie College Partnership with Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine

Lake Erie College and the Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine (LECOM) have established an agreement wherein LECOM will reserve five (5) seats in each of the O.D., Pharmacy and Dental programs per year for LEC graduates. LECOM will reserve these seats for students who meet the following criteria:

  • Maintain an overall GPA of 3.5 and a cumulative science GPA of 3.2
  • Be a full-time student at LEC and earn a baccalaureate degree in an appropriate field
  • Maintain appropriate progress as reviewed by the designated LEC advisor
  • Complete the secondary application process to LECOM by the end of the sophomore year
  • Satisfy admission requirements as specific by LECOM

Contact the Dean of the School of Natural Sciences and Mathematics at Lake Erie College for further information.

3+3 Agreement between Cleveland-Marshall College of Law at Cleveland State University and Lake Erie College

The Cleveland-Marshall College of Law at Cleveland State University and Lake Erie College offer a “3+3” program in law, the first of its kind in northeast Ohio. After earning academic credit equivalent to three (3) full-time years of study, a student will be eligible for admission to the Cleveland-Marshall College of Law for completion of the J.D. degree, in either the fullor part-time program, subject to the conditions described in the agreement. Each such student will be awarded a Bachelor’s Degree by Lake Erie College after successfully earning academic credit for the completion of the first-year J.D. curriculum (generally 29 credits) at Cleveland- Marshall College of Law, whether earned in the full- or part-time program.

Cleveland-Marshall College of Law agrees to accept all candidates from Lake Erie College each year who meet the following eligibility requirements:

  • A minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.45 for 90 credit hours of undergraduate education; ∙ Completion of all undergraduate major field and CORE requirements at Lake Erie College
  • Completion of the LSAT no later than the February test of the student’s third year at Lake Erie College with a minimum score not below the 60th percentile. With permission of Cleveland-Marshall College of Law, students may complete this requirement with the June test of the student’s third year
  • Satisfaction of all regular admission requirements of Cleveland-Marshall College of Law, including completion of the admission application, submission of two letters of recommendation, and disclosure of matters (listed on the application form) that may preclude admission to Cleveland-Marshall College of Law
  • Recommendation by a selection committee appointed by the Provost, Lake Erie College, and the Assistant Dean for Admission and Financial Aid at the Cleveland-Marshall College of Law at Cleveland State University

For information regarding the entrance criteria for the program at Lake Erie College, including the extent to which transfer credits earned at colleges or universities other than Lake Erie College are eligible to be counted toward the three years of undergraduate credits required to be earned before enrollment at Cleveland-Marshall College of Law, contact the Dean of the School of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences at Lake Erie College for further information.

Lake Erie College Partnership with Cleveland State University Accelerated Bachelor of Science in Nursing

Earn a Bachelor of Science degree from Lake Erie College and a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) degree from Cleveland State University. This dual degree program offers LEC’s advantages of small class sizes, one-to-one faculty mentoring and expanded academic opportunities alongside CSU’s dramatically shortened timeframe for receiving a BSN degree, involving a specially designed sequence of classes over four semesters. In other words, this program is the best of both worlds. Program options:

  • 3+1 Track: 3 years (6 semesters) at LEC plus 1 year (4 semesters, spring-spring) nursing program completion at CSU ∙ 4+1 Track: 4 years (8 semesters) at LEC plus 1 year (4 semesters, spring-spring) nursing program completion at CSU

6 seats are guaranteed annually for qualified Lake Erie College students

Accelerated BSN at CSU:


  • Early acceptance program: Complete a letter of intent with CSU to apply to the program during your freshman or sophomore year
  • Complete all prerequisite coursework with a grade of “C” or higher
  • Prerequisites may not be repeated
  • Maintain an overall prerequisite GPA of at least 3.33

Contact the Dean of the School of Natural Sciences and Mathematics at Lake Erie College for further information.

Lake Erie College 2+1 Partnership with Chamberlain College of Nursing

Lake Erie College has partnered with the Chamberlain College of Nursing to offer a pathway for students to earn a Bachelor of Science in Nursing in three years. Students will complete their first year science and elective courses at LEC and matriculate to Chamberlain College of Nursing to complete the remaining two years of nursing work. Students will graduate with a B.S.N. from Chamberlain College of Nursing. Specific GPA and other requirements must be met for students to successfully matriculate to Chamberlain. Students should consult the School of Natural Sciences and Mathematics Handbook for Majors for specific details. Contact the Dean of the School of Natural Sciences and Mathematics at Lake Erie College for further information.

Laker Erie College 3+4 Partnership with University of Findlay

Lake Erie College and the University of Findlay have established a 3+4 program in which, after completion of all degree requirements for a B.S. in Chemistry at Lake Erie College and prerequisites courses for the Doctor of Pharmacy degree at University of Findlay, up to seven (7) Lake Erie College students per year will be eligible for direct admission to the University of Findlay’s Doctor of Pharmacy degree program. Admission to the program will be open only to those applicants who enter as freshmen and complete all three years of their undergraduate work at Lake Erie College. Transfer students and those who do not matriculate directly into the LEC Accelerated Chemistry program as incoming freshmen will not be eligible for the 3+4 program; however, they may still meet admission requirements for entry as a professional track student at University of Findlay. Contact the Dean of the School of Natural Sciences and Mathematics at Lake Erie College for further information.